Thursday, May 28, 2009

Has it really been that long?!

22 years ago today Andy was born! The day he decided to make his appearance was very much appreciated, since he was 10 days late! He didn't quite make it to Aunt Molly's birthday, but that was ok with me. At 9 pounds 5 ounces, I was ready to have him out! Having 3 older brothers to play war and other games, he's always loved some challenging competition and he's always been good at everything. I remember a time when Andy was about 3 or 4 yrs old and he would honestly whip me good in the game of Concentration- where the cards are face down and you turn over 2 at a time and try to get a pair. He could remember where all the cards were and I had to guess! So to this day if I beat Andy in a game I am so thrilled because he doesn't give up easy. I know that this kind of determination in competition is carried over in other areas of his life, to his advantage, and may he never forget that his family is cheering him all the way.
"How about a game of cards?!!"

1 comment:

Tania said...

He was, and is, super cute! It is amazing that he is that OLD! hehehehe I love you and hope you guys had a great day!