Monday, May 4, 2009

Respect for rulers

I've been reading about this subject in By this Standard by Greg Bahnsen. He has a lot of great words to say. To summarize, Rulers are to be respected because they were given their authority by God Himself. Yet our rulers are under obligation to keep the law of God as well, for they are our example. We are also obligated to not stand for injustice when clearly a ruler is not following the law of God. All of these points are prevalent to us today. Another important thing to remember is prayer. Our rulers and those in authority need our prayer, for they have been given a great privilege and awesome responsibility by our great God. We must remember to give them the respect they rightly deserve which includes pointing out the errors they make when they make wrong decisions which are contrary to the law of God. I pray that this will be more practiced and we will be better equipped to follow the law of our God in this aspect in these days.

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