Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jane Austen: Basics

We have not been doing much Jane Austen blogging, so I am going to try to do some more of that. I found out this past summer that some members of my extended family may not know who Jane Austen is and probably have not read any of her books (shocking! :) So, this post is for anyone who wants to learn more about Jane Austen and her books.

Who was Jane Austen? Jane Austen was a novelist who lived from 1775-1817. She wrote 6 major novels which were published, and three unfinished novels, along with several other works. Jane grew up in a large family of 6 brothers and 1 sister. She never married and died at the age of 41.

What about the novels? The novels of Jane Austen include: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Emma, Persuasion, and Mansfield Park. The most popular is probably Pride and Prejudice, which has been made into several film adaptations.

Are there books on the novels or life of Jane Austen? Yes! The one that I have read and recommend is: Miniatures and Morals by Peter Leithart. His new book will be coming out this month called Writer of Fancy: The Playful Piety of Jane Austen.

So those are some basics on Jane Austen. I think we will give you a synopsis of each of the novels in the days ahead. Hope you enjoyed reading these facts!

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