Saturday, March 8, 2008

Suffering for the Gospel

I have been reading a book called Faithful Women & Their Extraordinary God by Noel Piper. The chapter I read last night was about a woman I had never heard of; her name is Esther Ahn Kim. The subtitle to the chapter is called "Faithful in Suffering". It is an amazing story of God's faithfulness to this woman as she suffered for her Savior. The story takes place in Korea during the Japanese occupation, 1937-1945. It was considered the Dark Age by many Koreans. Most foreign missionaries had left Korea by 1940 because they were forbidden to speak with anyone and they could cause Koreans' lives to be in danger if they attempted to interact with them. Also pressure was put on Christian missionaries to lead people to worship at the Shinto shrines. These shrines were put up everywhere and people were expected to bow down to them. They were even put in Christian churches and police watched to see that everyone bowed down to them.

Esther Ahn Kim was named Ei Sook when she was born. During her young life she was instructed by her mother, who was a strong Christian who didn't own a Bible or have a church. But because of godly teaching in her younger years, Ei Sook's mother lived by these 4 Biblical principles: 1. Jesus was her Savior 2. He would not forsake those who believe in Him, 3. God causes all things to work for good to those who love Him, and 4. Jesus hears the prayers of His children. God's grace strengthened this mother to teach her daughter and to model the Christian life by serving others. Little did she know all the suffering that her daughter would go through. She became the very words of God for Ei Sook.

In 1939 Ei Sook became a music teacher at a Christian School for girls. There came a day when all the schools were required to attend the shrine in the middle of Seoul. Pressure was put on the principal and threats that they would suffer if the children and staff didn't go to the shrine and bow down. Ei Sook knew John 14:6 and that she could not bow down to any other god. The principal pressed her to go and she ended up going to the shrine but as she remembered Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego she determined to make the same decision and not bow down. She knew that God might not respond with immediate safety but He could be trusted to do what was best for her. So when the time came to bow the Lord gave her the fortitude to do what was right.

When Ei Sook got back to the classroom she was met by the police and taken to the district office. When the chief detective received a phone call and was distracted Ei Sook ran back home where her mother disguised her and put her on a train. Ei Sook knew that there was a good possibility of the police catching up with her and she would be tortured and put in prison. Guided by her family she ended up at an isolated house where her mother spent time with her preparing her to suffer. Ei Sook memorized many hymns and over 100 chapters of the Bible. She also prepared for hard times by sleeping on the floor without a blanket. She also fasted for days to prepare her body for less food.

To hear more of this story you can read it in Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God, or in Esther Ahn Kim's autobiography called If I Perish. The Christian life is one of blessing and relying on the Lord who has saved us; that also includes knowing Him and the fellowship of His suffering. Ei Sook's situation and her type of suffering we might never experience. Nevertheless it doesn't excuse us from being prepared for whatever the Lord brings. Maybe it is not sleeping on the floor without a blanket, but we can certainly be memorizing scripture and hymns/psalms. The Lord is faithful; He will never leave or forsake His children. He is the One who goes before us and as Esther said, "if I perish, I perish." Paul said in Philippians 1:21, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Do we have that mindset as Christians? Let's encourage one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and to meditate on God's Word day and night so that we will be ready when suffering comes our way.

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