Thursday, May 21, 2009

The blessing of brothers

A question I often get asked is "How can you live with all those brothers of yours?" I've learned to just smile and expect this question after I first let people know that I am the only girl of the family. What is interesting is that this comes from women and girls and not guys. I will meet guys who have grown up with only sisters and no brothers, but I rarely meet girls who have grown up with only boys in their life. I want to say that girls who have no brothers are missing a very fun and amazing experience. However, if God has put you in a family with no brothers, then that is the family that is best for you. I have come to see that my family is the best one for me, but of course not for everyone else. That being said, brothers are a great blessing to us girls in many ways.

First off laughter abounds. I have learned to laugh at myself through my brothers. Boys have no trouble in pointing out your faults and showing how silly you are. It's amazing how ignorant you can be of how many foolish things you do that you don't even realize. Well, with brothers around they make sure that you remember the silly things that you have done. In addition to laughing at myself, I can laugh with my brothers because they are just so much fun! "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones" (Proverbs 17:22). So yes, brothers are fun to laugh with.

Second we girls get to practice on our brothers. I've gotten a lot of practice mothering my brothers (poor guys :D). Another thing that will come with practice is just getting to know how guys think and act. Through my brothers I have learned a lot about boys in general. A last practical thing that I have gotten to practice on my brothers is my cooking. Boys like to eat and they also have no trouble giving you advice on how you can make your cooking better so that it will taste good! So, practicing on your brothers can be fun and helpful to all involved.

Last we have things in common. So to you girls who have brothers that have been reading this, get rid of the idea that your brothers are a burden and annoying because they are different! I have gotten frustrated with my brothers because we are different, but that is normal. You should not focus on your differences, but rather turn those differences into learning about each other. Even if it doesn't seem like you have anything in common with your brothers, you probably do. In our family, a lot of us love to read! That is something that we all enjoy and we are able to talk about or read different books aloud with one another.

In conclusion I want to encourage those girls with brothers to look at the blessings of having brothers and not focus on the fundamental differences between girls and boys. Use the time you have your brothers in the same home for fun and learning and not for frustration and annoyance. God has placed you in your family because it is the one that is best for you and no one else. Learn to see it for the blessing that it is and you will enjoy every minute of your time with your family.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I wish I had a brother... :)